All about yin and yang

From the moment we accept that pathology is the result of an imbalance, we therefore approach all disorders in a much more precise way.
Yin and yang are two complementary energies that are present in everything around us, including our body. In multireflexology, we use yin and yang principles to create a balance in the body and promote healing.

For example, yin is associated with calmness, rest, and coolness. Yang is associated with activity, warmth, and energy. In multireflexology, we use yin and yang principles to identify areas of the face or body that are imbalanced and use multireflex tools to restore balance.

We are not going to reinvent hot water or the wheel!

So why not resort to millennial terms which are incredibly accurate and which save us from meaningless classifications according to the times?

Let's not stay confined to the "feminine - masculine" which often leads to confusion in Latin languages which use gendered articles to designate situations and things.

Instead, use the YIN & the YANG

And don't worry, in Dien Chan we use them practically. Multireflex tools are extraordinary remedies for understanding yin and yang with an empirical and pragmatic approach.

To put it into practice, you can start by identifying areas of your face or body that feel tense, sore, or uncomfortable. Then, use a multireflex tool to gently apply pressure to those areas, using yin and yang principles to guide you.

By doing so, you can help to restore balance and promote healing in your body.

It is important to remember that the names of diseases commonly used in books and everyday language are derived from Western medicine. However, Western medicine does not acknowledge the significance of the concepts of yin and yang, and the pharmaceutical industry often only offers treatments for one aspect of a complex pathology.

A more holistic approach is necessary to fully address the expression of the disorder.

Understanding and assimilating the concepts of yin and yang is key to achieving effective normalization.

Symptoms should be viewed as alarm signals rather than as precise information about the underlying condition. While they may indicate a failure, they do not always reveal the true origin of the problem.

It is also important to be cautious when using Western medical vocabulary in the context of Dien Chan. Multireflexology is not intended to replace medical diagnosis, and relying solely on the name of a pathology can be misleading. Instead, it is more effective to understand the expression of suffering and to use this understanding to inform multireflexological interventions.

The symptom is the gateway to the origin of the imbalance.

As a result, both Dien Chan and Chan❜beauté approaches yield significant and lasting outcomes since they recognize the description of the disorder.

The information gathered is analyzed and translated into a specific yin or yang action. The resulting bodily and facial stimulations redirect the flow of vital energy (Qi) and channel all aspects related to the disorder towards achieving balance.

This is why all multireflex tools offer either a yin or yang effect.

Yin endings
Yang endings

We would like to point out that we use the words "yin" and "yang" as adjectives.

⚫️  Y I N

The yin effect of multireflex tools is unparalleled!

We obtain yin effects with all the multireflex tools equipped with mini metal rods with rounded ends. Despite their appearance which at first glance may remind us of naughty toys, yin instruments are soft and never damage the skin.

Thanks to the arrangement of their mini rods, we manage to refresh and disperse without heating the skin tissue. This may seem obvious and yet all the other utensils found on the market are not able to work without raising the temperature of the treated surface.

The golden brass cylinders and spheres are inimitable allies for extracting the heat accumulated within certain parts of the body as well as for freeing the facial reflex zones from microtensions.

But the collection would not be complete if we forget the yin effects of the rakes. We basically use two of them, of different sizes.

The Yin rake nº416 is our first aid to relax the consultant as a whole. Its yin effect on the skull is incomparable when we use it for at least 4 minutes with a eurythmic gesture.

And of course, the mini-rake of tool nº219 which will then allow us to treat in a yin way the zones of our various reflection patterns.

And finally, the rubber saucer of the Big yin-yang hammer nº430 which will be essential for us to untie the knots and ease the tensions housed in the large muscles.

Only yin multireflex tools can massage without heating and cooling while reinvigorating vital flows!

Remember that ice has a yang effect on first direct contact with the skin and may burn it. On the other hand, it is the yin rollers or the brass tips that are able to revive the activity while providing freshness.

Chan❜secret yin

In Chan❜beauté, we utilize the multireflex yang tools to promote the intrinsic hydration of the body and skin tissue by distributing the subtle nutrients of the dermis.

Several Chan❜beauté protocols are available to visibly reduce bags under the eyes, soothe rosacea, and deeply lift and firm the skin.

This is where the awesomeness of Chan❜beauté lies!

🟥  Y A N G

Instruments with the yang effect are equipped with balls of spikes which do not penetrate the skin while stimulating the fundamental flows.

For all the handles of the facial tools as for the yang balls, we have chosen natural horn, because it is much more ecological than exotic woods which only encourage deforestation.

This noble material is a guarantee of quality for its biological antiseptic properties. In addition and unlike plastic, the horn does not produce static electricity that disrupts the skin microbiota. Its vibratory frequency is reputed to be in harmony with the energetic circulation of the body.

The horn is recovered after the peaceful agricultural life of grazing cattle. No animal is bred for its horns. Some use them as fertilizer, we choose the most beautiful ones for you to make jewels of health in accordance with your convictions.

Let's not forget that the rubber tip of the Small yin-yang hammer nº128 also provides a yang effect. This flexible striker is the absolute accomplice for stimulating the reflex zones around a precise bqc·points on the Dien Chan map.

It is therefore important to remember that the multireflex yang tools stimulate, energize and warm up. They restore movement and focus.

Chan❜secret yang

In Chan❜beauté, the multireflex yang tools are utilized to extract the rich nutrients hidden in the hypodermis. As the facial skin is closely attached to the underlying bone structure, gentle and precise movements with the horn spikes of the tool can effectively stimulate the deep layers of the hypodermis to release the nutrients.

The distribution of these valuable nutrients is then accomplished by using a yin tool, and this process is repeated for a few more minutes to enhance the effectiveness.

How to choose the right tool?

🔹 If the person evokes a dull, cold, diffuse pain or a feeling of heaviness, we are facing a disorder that manifests in a yin way.

This situation invites us to use a multireflex tool with a yang effect to restore balance.

We start with local stimulation on the affected anatomy with an instrument adapted to the surface to be treated.

For example, to work on the hips, legs or back, we prefer the Double yang ball nº410 which offers us the possibility of treating without damaging the skin.

♦️ When, on the contrary, a disorder is described as hot, precise, sharp, pungent or concentrated, we use a yin tool. The latter allows us to encourage blood and lymphatic microcirculation without heating. We therefore work in a yin way to restore the appropriate temperature.

On a shoulder girdle contracted by an accumulation of stress or a rigid neck, we obtain the best results with the Double yin ball nº411. We start by rolling the surface by exercising back and forth without pressure. Its multiple mini rods will disperse tension while improving blood exchange.

It is crucial to always ask the patient about their level of comfort and satisfaction with the tool during Dien Chan treatments. Open communication is a fundamental aspect of the practice, allowing the practitioner to gather important feedback and adjust their techniques accordingly. The patient's response to the treatment helps to determine the most appropriate yin or yang effect for the reflex zones on the face.

By continuously seeking and responding to feedback, Dien Chan practitioners can tailor their treatments to the unique needs of each individual patient.

This is the way genuine facial reflexology operates. We regret having to emphasize that Dien Chan is the genuine multireflexology method, which has inspired all facial reflexologies. However, we feel compelled to remind those who discover it too late.

Giving a yin or a yang meaning to your Dien Chan formulas

If you have followed the second training module (DienChan❜pro), if you know how to apply bqc·points formulas or if you are lucky enough to have the Faceasit'clinic app...

Know that you can give a yin meaning or a yang meaning to your bqc·points formulas.

During the DienChan❜pro course, we discuss in more detail how to check whether the person's internal situation is yin or yang. We use specific bqc·points whose sensitivity informs us about the patient's condition.

Let's not complicate things too much in these lines and instead watch this video that shows you how to make sense of your formulas.

Une vidéo d'Hélène Alvanitakis [] qui vous aidera encore plus à mieux comprendre!

The yang formula

With the Dien Chan Faceasit app, we get all the bqc·points that will allow us to compose a formula with yang effects.

More details on this inexhaustible source of inspiration: